So cutting to the chase, the diagnosis is that I am fairly fine. It would appear that there is nothing wrong with me that is doing me harm or is likely to bring me to any harm. For me that is probably the big take home message. The outcome was similar to what I have been hearing elsewhere, that the palpitations themselves are nothing to get to worried about. Apparently slight people (the Doctor was counting me in this group) sometimes feel them more than 'thickset' people, which might explain why I seem to notice them so often, but the palpitations themselves are relatively benign. So big relief there.
In terms of going forward, it really was a case of monitor and see how you go. The Doctor didn't think there were too many lifestyle changes that I could make to improve them. But he did say that I could take confidence that they aren't hurting me. That knowledge might help me relax a bit during racing when they occur in future.
Still not totally done with the process. Another test to do on Wednesday, but this should be the last one (I hope). Then a few more follow up consultations and then I think we will have investigated all the avenues and I will be right to get on with things (assuming this cold and gone away by then).
In other news, I started my new nutrition regime from Catalyst Nutrition today.
So far so good.
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