A bit more training today after my day off yesterday. Swimming of all things. Nothing too strenuous, as I mentioned the other day this week is an easy one aimed of getting me over the final part of this cold. Still it was nice to be back doing some exercise, particularly back down the pool.
In the name of keeping it light I didn't actually go and swim with the Swim Smooth Squad today, rather I heading down to Claremont to have a swim by my lonesome. After the usual brief period of feeling like my body has never been immersed in water before and my arms didn't know which way was up, swimming returned to feeling close to normal.
As dull as swimming alone can be, this session was actually pretty good. This was because it was one of the first opportunities I have had to work on what I learned during the 1-2-1 session that I had with Paul all those weeks ago. Lots of a drill called Unco and another one called Punco to work on breathing timing. It is a fun little drill that involves swimming with one arm while breathing to opposite side (here is a video of Paul talking about it with Dave Scott demonstrating). It is a great drill because it is easy to know if you are doing it right, if you aren't you feel like you are drowning. Like all the best drills it guides you towards feeling what you are supposed to be doing. By the end of the session I could feel what I was supposed to be doing with my breathing timing. Going to be a while longer before that feeling progresses to doing though I think.
On the bike in the morning for a nice easy spin. Really looking forward to it, it feels like it has been a while since I had one of them. The weather tomorrow is looking like being quite glorious with a forecast of 31 degrees. This could be one of the warmest rides I have done for a while.
Also on the agenda for tomorrow is another heart test. This one has a long name that I can't remember at the moment, but is essentially a heart X-ray. Sounds like a fun way to spend a morning. Can't wait.
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