A bit more training and a bit more testing today.
The training bit was some riding. As I said yesterday, it was nice to be out on the bike. It may not have been quite as warm as I was hoping, but it wasn't freezing either so that was lovely. Really quite a nice spring morning out and about. The cycling felt okay, but I am still feeling this cold a bit, but more on that later.
On the testing front it was a CT scan, which is a first for me. More specifically I had a CT Coronary Angiogram (sounds like something they say on a TV medical drama). This particular scan involved a CT scanner, me lying very still, a tablet under my tongue and some warm fluid being injected into my arm. From what I understand the tablet was to make my arteries a bit bigger (easier to see) and the warm fluid was a dye. All up it was a surprisingly painless process, although the sensation of the warm fluid passing through my body was particularly weird and the tablet gave me a headache for the rest of the day. So perhaps not entirely painless, but certainly not as bad as the information sheet they gave me beforehand made it sound.
This test is to see if there is any cholesterol build up in the arteries around my heart. To be honest the expected answer is no, this test is really just a confirmation of that. Hopefully this will also be the last test I have to do, which means very soon you won't have to read any more blogs about the various tests I am having done. Fingers crossed anyway. Physically I am still feeling the after effects of this cold, but heart wise I am feeling okay at the moment. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish the two symptoms, but I think that a lot of what I am feeling at the moment is actually the cold. Indications are that the heart thing is something that I may have to put up with, but I am hopeful that it will be less symptomatic in future. Certainly the last week or so has been promising.
Back to the cold for a minute. I really have to take my hat off to this particular virus. It has truly impressed me with its tenacity. I would be quite happy for it to go away and leave me alone, but it seems reluctant to do that. Every morning I wake up thinking this will be the morning that I feel better, but each morning I am still not quite there. Close, but not quite. Wearing a little thin if I am being honest.
Perhaps tomorrow.
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