Monday 17 March 2014

Musings of an athlete - Day 1

Hooray, I trained today.

It was only a small step, an easy ride, but hopefully it is the first step of many.

I took the ride very easy, but still the ride wasn't pain free, I had a few little niggles in places, but nothing major. What is probably more important is that I haven't pulled up sore, I am not limping around as we speak. I feel no worse than I did before the ride. Good news indeed.

On the whole my back is feeling okay. I am aware of it as I walk around, but it isn't painful. Once again the term niggle comes to mind. I think if I was to head out running this afternoon it would probably become painful. Luckily that isn't the plan though.

The plan in fact is to ride again tomorrow. After the ride this morning I am hopeful for the ride tomorrow. Swim Wednesday and then a walk/run on Thursday. I am hoping to continue improving enough between now and Thursday that when the time comes running is on the agenda. If need be I will be going for a walk, but throwing a little bit of running in there would be nice.

I have a physio appointment tomorrow and that will give me a bit of insight into where I currently sit in terms of rehab. However, I am not expecting any surprises. I think the feedback will be something along the lines of bit of stiffness in the lower back but not a lot else. Hopefully getting some of that stiffness released will improve things further.

Anyway watch this space. I have rebuilt after something like this before, so I can do it again. Baby steps though.

Oh yeah, the weekend of camping was good by the way. If a couple of days or driving around and sleeping on an air mattress didn't destroy my back, then perhaps there is hope after all.

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