Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Professional - the why

So following on from my post yesterday, why go professional?

At 35 years old I am around the age that a lot of professional triathletes are thinking of retiring. Also as a father of two who currently works full time I am not exactly a model of the typical professional triathlete.

So WHY???

Well my answer to that is a fairly easy one, if you had the chance wouldn't you? Line up against the best in the world, race at the pointy end. Can you honestly tell me that you would turn that down?

I know I can't.

For me this isn't about some dream of going out and getting fame and fortune as an athlete. I am enough of a realist to know that only a very small percentage of triathletes make a living from this sport. I am also enough of a realist to know that most professionals don't make anything at all. This certainly isn't about money. I have a good job, if I wanted a money I would just stick to that.

It also isn't about going out and setting the triathlon world on fire. I want to race and I want to do well, but World Champion I am not. If I wanted that I would stay an age grouper.

No it isn't either of those.

For me this is all about having a chance and taking it. Having something to point at when I am old and grey and say 'I did that', not 'I wonder if'.

This might all end in tears, I might get my rear end handed to be time and again. But at least I will have tried, at least I will know.

In the end it all boils down to a little Latin saying about Carp.

Although I never did get what fish had to do with it.

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