Saturday 8 December 2018

Saturday Stuff

A bit of a slack day for me exercise wise, I had intentions of doing more, but when push came to shove I just didn't. As I mentioned yesterday, with the race done last night I am going to be taking things a little easier for a couple of weeks to give myself a bit of a break. Which is exactly what I did.

Since deciding to take it easy today I have since heard from some mates who headed down the beach in the afternoon and I am a little jealous that I didn't make the effort to go with them, but in the end it just didn't fit with the day, so I can live with my decision. Plus at the time I really struggled to find the motivation, which is probably a good sign that I could do with the break. Besides, I got to do some chores around the house, so you know, winning.

Not a total loss though because I had been down the beach in the morning, so I had got a bit of time out and about.

Besides a bit of time at the beach, chores and the usual Saturday going ons, I also got a bit of coaching done today, which is always fun. A bit of program writing, plus planning out a season of racing with a new athlete. Catching up with athletes is always good, but sitting down with them to plan a race season is particularly exciting. Laying out the possibilities and the macro plan really gets the motivation flowing both for the athlete and myself. This particular race season is a bit ambitious, but if we can pull it off, it should be a real adventure.

The only other thing that happened today that I should probably mention is what just happened at the 70.3 in Bahrain. 3:29 by Blummenfelt. What the...

That is absolutely smashing the World Record, which if I remember correctly was around 3:35 or so. How are those splits, 21:30 for the swim, 1:56 for the bike (yep 1:56) and 1:06 for the run. Basically phenomenally quick in every leg. I have heard a few people mention that the Bahrain course is a bit short, which raises a few questions about the time, but all the same, however you cut it that time is damn quick. The last record stood for 4 or 5 years I think and I could well see this one being similar. Blows the mind.

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