Tuesday 6 February 2018

Gone running

Day 2 up here in Darwin and I decided to give running a bit of a go. Not entirely sure if going running up in tropical Darwin was such a good idea, but surprisingly I didn't collapse and instantly melt into a puddle of goo.

Running up here in the middle of the monsoon was everything I remembered. Hot and sweaty with a high heart rate. Certainly uncomfortable and a bit of a shock to the system, but manageable if you are willing to slow down a bit, which is just what I did. The run was only 30 minutes which is about as much as I think I was capable of, but it went surprisingly okay. Certainly by the end of the 30 minutes I was ready to stop, but the first 15 to 20 minutes weren't all that bad. While the run was slow it was great to get through it.

In fact the run went well enough that I think I might try and go for another one while I am up here, provided that my knee and legs in general hold up to it. As much as I have struggled with running over the years, that is the nice thing about it, you can do it any place, any time, all you need is a pair of shoes. 

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