Saturday, 3 October 2015

Eagles Who...

Good day today spent not watching the West Coast Eagles get decimated in the Australia Football Legue Grand Final. Instead I spent the time doing a bit of training and cleaning the house. Much better use of time if you ask me.

Part of my training today was spent down the pool getting an afternoon swim in with the Swim Smooth squad. So great was the local disbelief that some people would rather spend time training rather than watching the home side lose a Grand Final, that one of the local radio stations 6PR range Paul Newsome on air to confirm it. To say this town is football mad is a slight understatement. Oh well, that the whole football thing done and dusted for another year, now we can get on and focus on real sporting events like Korea 70.3 tomorrow and Kona in a week's time.

As well as swimming this afteroon, I was also out on the bike this morning. Another really good session. My long rides for the last three Saturday's have built one on top of the other. I think today's ride was the equal quickest 100km I have ever done. More reassuringly is that whilst it was quicker than last week, my heart rate etc was lower. All good signs.

Another nice part was that I hadn't set out to do a quick ride, it just sort of happened that way. It really just felt like a consistently solid ride. In fact I was a little surprised to see just how quick it ended up. I was feeling it a bit on the bike, but I was still feeling okay once I got home. Very reassuring ride and another bit of confirmation that the Falco V is doing excactly what it is supposed to.

All up a good day of solid training with a bit of around the house stuff thrown in to make the day feel worthwhile. Sometimes that is all you look for in a weekend.

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