A bit of a run this morning. This one was similar to the one I did last Sunday, longish but very low intensity. In fact I would have to say that this run went better than last week. Certainly much more comfortable. Last week I got through the run still feeling a little weary. This week I ran quicker and further, but my average heart rate was lower and I finished up feeling pretty alright. I can that a win.
Part of the reason for this run feeling better was my new best friends. These things.
Now I am don't actually mean the Hammer Fizz. Hammer Fizz is a great product, but it had nothing to do with my run this morning. I am actually talking about the tubes, which are in fact empty. I have read that the tubes that M&M minis come in work really well too, which sounds like a good excuse to eat chocolate, but I had these ones handy so I went with Fizz tubes instead.
So what did little tubes do to help my run? Well I held them, one in each hand. That was it. Sounds silly right, but I this is the second time I have used them and I am amazed the difference it makes.
The suggestion came from the guys at Front Runner Sports who I have been doing a bit of running specific work with recently. Watching me run they noticed that I tend to 'break my wrist', ie run with a bent wrist. That is indicative of a poor connection with the rest of my arm. They found they I was rotating my arms more from the elbow rather than from the shoulder, missing out on key driving force at the end of my stride. What did they suggest? Holding a couple of tubes, or 'Running Sticks' as they call them. As simple as this is, it works as a mental reminder to be aware of where your hands are sitting as you run. From the first time I used them I noticed a significant improvement in arm drive.
I don't think today's good run can solely be attributed to carrying a couple of little tubes, but I do think it was a factor. It is amazing sometimes how much difference the little things can make.
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