Thursday 15 November 2018

Comfort Zone

Something a little bit different tonight. Usually on a Thursday night I would coaching a running session, however, for a small change, instead I was out doing a bit of a paddling race. Bit of fun.

I stacked it not long after that shot.

This past few months of paddling has been really challenging/enjoyable for me.

The challenging bit is because it has put me right outside my comfort zone, confronted me with the choice of learning new skills or accepting a status quo. Facing the decision of trying to learn something new, or accepting that I won't improve.

The enjoyable bit has been because when you challenge yourself and get outside your comfort zone that is where the improvement happens. And while that improvement might be slow, it is always a great feeling when it does, which is what I have been experiencing in the last few weeks.

The challenge of paddling has been a great reminder around life in general. Sometimes the status quo is nice, sometimes you don't want to be rocking the boat. But sometimes in sport, or work, or life in general you want things to change, things to improve and get better. When you are seeking that it is likely that you are going to have to go through a period of discomfort, when you are going to have to challenge yourself and see what happens.

When you choose to move outside your comfort zone and try something new, or challenge yourself in a new way it is always going to be a bit painful. There are always going to be times when you question whether the challenge was actually a good idea and you perhaps wish that you hadn't made that decision. However, if you persist and keep working at it, no matter how long that work might take you usually get some rewards. They may not always be the rewards you were originally seeking, but they are usually worth it all the same.

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