Sunday 15 July 2018

The Day

A few weeks ago I spoke about the zany 40th birthday celebration plans of my friend Gary Couanis. Basically his plan for this 'party' was to run 1km for every year of his life, ie 40km. The party bit was that people were welcome to join him for as much of the run as they wanted. A bit of a crazy idea, but in my opinion, quite a bit better than simply going to a pub and drinking yourself silly.

Originally I had plans to take part in the 2nd 20k of the run, however, my cold from a few weeks ago knocked enough of a hole in my training that I didn't think 20km was a good idea. My running has been going well enough recently though that I thought 10km was realistic and so I reset my goal and aimed for the 10km instead.

The run was on today.

On a personal level the run went pretty well. I got through the 10km fairly comfortably which was nice. At the time it felt like I could probably have done a few more kilometres, but it was definitely the right call to skip the 20km. I am feeling a bit sore and sorry now after 10km and I suspect if I had aimed at the 20km I would be feeling particularly unpleasant right now.

Beyond myself though, it was just a great event to take part in. All up I would say there was probably a good two dozen people running, it was a big mob. They made an impressive sight moving along the paths. More impressively was that there were a good half a dozen people, besides the birthday boy, who ran the full 40km. And did it easily I might add. Pretty amazing.

It was cool to be out running with a bunch of people that was feeling such collective good will. As Gary and a few others said, it was the easiest 40km they had ever done due to all the great people who were doing it with them. Just goes to show the power of good company. Also demonstrates why a squad training environment can be so powerful.

The guys finished the run in 3 hours 20 I might add, on track for a 3 hour 30 min marathon. Not bad for a birthday celebration 'fun' run.

A great way to spend a morning.

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