Monday 4 June 2018

Sunshine and Happiness

Turns out I do have the energy for a blog.


Today has included almost 9 hours of travelling, 7 or so of which were driving. Not so many years ago that wouldn't have seemed like a big deal, but today it has ruined me. Must be getting soft in my old age.

Now that I am back in sunny Perth (I am being very sarcastic but more on that in a moment) it is time to get on with things. Those things mostly include coaching. This week is another coach heavy week with a session on the bike tomorrow, another session at the pool on Wednesday and then track on Thursday. After that things return to normal a bit more with the amount of coaching slowing down a little.

Unfortunately this week I am going to also enjoy one of the pleasures of coaching in Winter, horrible, horrible weather. At the moment the forecast is for showers and storms all the way to Thursday (hence my earlier sarcastic comment). At least as a coach you can hide from it to a certain extent by using big clothes and umbrellas. Still, it is not going to be a lot of fun. Actually, if I am honest I am not expecting a huge turnout for the ride in the morning. I will be heading down, but if the forecast turns up then we may be cancelling the session, the decision will be made entirely based on safety in the morning. At the moment storms are forecast, but not until later in the day, so we might be lucky early, we shall see. Either way I am going to take the wuss option and not actually ride, instead coaching from the side of the road. As a coach I need to be out there, but it doesn't mean I have to be riding in the misery too. Besides coaching from the roadside can have other benefits, you see each athlete for less time, but you guarantee that you see everyone, coaching from the bike it can be too easy to miss one or two people.

Coaching down the pool and at the track are never particularly fun in the rain, but at least with those sessions it is easy to dress appropriately and keep relatively warm and dry.

Could be a fun filled week ahead. Before all that though, time for some much needed sleep.

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