Thursday 14 June 2018


Okay, well I owe everyone an apology, I know on Sunday I mentioned that I might not be online for a day or two, but I didn't envision me being away from the blog for three days. Sorry about that.

The reality is that the last three days really have been pretty flat out. Busy(ish) from 7:00am until about 10:00 or 11:00pm each day. Don't feel too sorry for me, I haven't exactly been working hard, most of that engagement time was in meetings and some of it was at dinners and occasionally a bar, but it was busy time either way. Busy as it was I would have to say that this last week has been one of those times where my actual day job was rather a lot of fun. I don't resent my job, I get paid pretty alright to work a lot less had than many other people and so I have no right to complain, but often my job is just something that is done to pay the bills. However, this last week has been quite enjoyable, even though it was a lot of time away from the family. Always nice to enjoy yourself.

Great to be back though.

Now that I am back it means things can start returning to normal a bit around here. Sweep out some cobwebs and blow away some dust. Because I knew this trip was coming up I have been on a bit of a holding pattern for the last two weeks, but now the trip is done I can get on my regularly scheduled program. That means some regular coaching, some exercise and blogging every day. I am particularly keen on the exercise bit which has suffered significantly over the last two weeks (deliberately). Now that I have had a bit of a break from exercise I am particularly keen to get back on with things. Which I think will be my plan from tomorrow.

First though, time for a bit more sleep.

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