Monday 4 December 2017

Marriage Mix-up

For those following along at home, this post is being written by Derek's wife tonight. There are a number of reasons why:

Firstly, in a role reversal, on any typical Monday evening, it would normally be I who is out of the house at a rehearsal, leaving Derek to proceed with the evening and put the kids to bed. However, with my final concert for the year yesterday afternoon, I am rehearsal free tonight. And in a shocking turn of events, instead, Derek is out at a Front Runners Christmas function. I may have put the kids to bed a bit later than planned, and sung them one or four more songs than usual, but what's half an hour between friends?

Secondly, Derek mistakenly took my phone with him to his function, leaving me with his phone where he had put it down in the bathroom whilst brushing his teeth, prior to going out. For some reason, that seemed as good a reason as any to write his blog for him tonight.

I guess the last reason is that our 17 year anniversary is coming up soon, and if you don't know someone well enough to impersonate them on their blog after 17 years, will you ever really know them? (I'll tell you in another 17 years!)

Training wise, Derek got back from Busselton at about ten past nine last night, didn't plan to go for a paddle in the morning, opting for sleep over all else, and rigidly stuck to that plan. Good thing too, because while it was beautifully flat, it was also beautifully (if you are a dam) wet. Yes, a hot and very humid night was broken with some lovely rain to cool down the city. Nice for the temperature, less nice for paddling in. Whatever the weather, Derek slept well, the much needed sleep of someone who has had a full day of sun exposure following an athlete around a course.

Speaking of Busselton, I can see that Derek has started a post about the race on Sunday, but given it will probably be quite long winded and detailed,  the post probably won't be ready for a few days. No spoilers from me. However, a quick glance at social media will give a brief insight into some of the highs and lows of the race. Well done to all who raced, even those whose days didn't go to plan.

And with that, good night.

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