Wednesday 21 June 2017

What you see

Boy, I am exhausted. Mentally shattered rather than physically this time. Today has been one of those days in the middle of one of those weeks. My job, my real day job that is, has been absolutely smashing me, not a minute to breathe at the moment. Hopefully things are going to improve shortly, but I suspect I have at least one more day like this. Not a load of fun if I am honest.

Still, despite the busy days I have managed to get in some exercise today. A bit of a run this morning and a bit of time in the gym this afternoon. I would have liked to get in a bit more exercise tonight, but it has been a case of listening to my body. My body has been telling me this week to take it a little bit easier and so that is just what I have been doing. I got some definite signs in the gym that my heart was not happy and so that is always a bit of a wake up call.

On my run this morning I got a nice reminder of the simple joys of being outside and enjoying the world. As I was running along the river I heard a loud splash and as I stopped to investigate I saw a pod of dolphins hunting right next to the bank, quite literally at my feet. Part of me cursed the fact that for once I wasn't carrying a camera and another part of me was happy to standby and have an amazing experience.

I have lost count of the number of, 'that is amazing I can't believe what I am seeing' type experiences that I have had while I have been out exercising. It is part of what keeps me getting up and heading out the door each day. Staying fit and active is very important to me, but I also love the simple pleasures that come from being outdoors. I wouldn't give those up for the world.

A bit of a coaching/Front Runners type day tomorrow. First up I am heading to Front Runners to check out the cycling studio they have put together. Tomorrow is a bit of a calibration session for the set up with the aim of having the studio up and running by Saturday. As regular readers will know I am a huge fan of my Wahoo Kickr. I firmly believe it is one of the best training tools I have ever spent money on. I will admit though that buying a good trainer is a rather significant commitment in terms of money and household space, so not everyone can take the step. For those that can't cycling studios offer people the chance to get on a good stationary trainer with all the benefits it brings, without having to commit to ownership themselves. It is great that Front Runners have decided to move into that area.

The other good thing about the Front Runner set up is that they have chosen to go with Wahoo Kickr Snaps as their trainer of choice. I have never used a Snap so I am really keen to have this chance to fiddle. I have been impressed with every Wahoo product that I have come across and I am expecting no different from the Snap, so I am really looking forward to trying it out.

While tomorrow morning is all about riding, tomorrow afternoon is about running, with my plan being to head down to the Front Runner threshold session to try and absorb more running wisdom from guru Ben Green.

Could be a learny kind of day.

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