Saturday 24 October 2015

Something new

The gradual return to proper training continued today, this time around with a run. Running on a Saturday morning? I hear you question. Who does that? Shouldn't you be out riding in the hills like everybody else?

Well yes, I did consider it, but today I was keen to try something a little different. Today I went running with people. I haven't run with people for ages, pretty much since I moved to Perth back in 2012. Up in Darwin we used to have at least one squad running session a week and it was a great session for just pushing yourself that little bit harder. When I first moved down I looked for squads to train with but never really had any joy, so I ended up just getting used to running by myself. However, over the last little while I have been wondering whether my lack of socialisation has been harming my running. Not in a big way, but just whether I was lacking that occasional push that a squad brings you.

Given all this, when the opportunity arose recently to do some running with a group I thought I would give it a go. 

The session went well. Most of the guys in group are training for marathons and so they have a similar mindset to my own. The session itself was a long, tempo effort sort of session made up of a long warm up and warm down with two 5km efforts in the middle. I probably ran a bit harder than I was supposed to, but it did feel good and so I felt okay not reigning it back in.

The run was also good because I haven't been running all week. I had planned to, but as anyone who has read my blog from Thursday will know, that session didn't quite eventuate. Given the lack of running I was worried that the body might not react well to a solid session out of the blue, but I am feeling fine so far so that is good.

Back on the bike tomorrow for a nice 90km of spinning. Not sure where I will be heading, but I suspect it will be two laps around the river.

Should be a lovely way to spend the morning.

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