Thursday 8 May 2014

Where's Mr Bunnykins?

Wow, winter arrived in Perth this morning with a bang and a crash. 45mm or rain in the last 24 hours. I know in Darwin terms that counts as a light afternoon shower, but for Perth, that is belting down. It was the sort of morning that you are glad to have the luxury or rolling over, and going back to sleep. I had planned to head down to the pool, but given the light display going on in the sky I am fairly certain it would have been closed. The plan is to for a bit of a spin on the way home from work today, so hopefully the weather is a little less chaotic by then.

I am in the process of tracking down an indoor trainer, and I suspect it may be just in the nick of time. Hopefully it arrives before winter sets in properly. I trained on the road all through last winter and made it through. But this morning is a good example of one of those times where it would be nice to have another option.

Getting towards the end of rest week now, and starting to look forward to getting back into training. However, at the moment we are struggling to find an event to train for. Winter is a pretty quiet time of year race wise in the Southern Hemisphere and so during June and July there aren't a lot of races around. There are a couple, but on the whole they are either sold out, or hard to get to. In the original plan for the year I intended to have this period as a bit of a training bloc, however, given the interrupted start to the year, it would be good to get in another race (or two??). As it stands there isn't much on my calender until late August, which is a long, long way away. I will keep looking, but you get to the point where you find you are looking under the same rocks over and over.

Oh well, what will be will be.

Time to go and sacrifice a small furry animal to the weather gods in preparation for my ride this afternoon.

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