Thursday 6 March 2014

Musings of an injured athlete - Day 1

Sat around eating chocolate and getting fat.

Well that isn't entirely true. I think that despite my best intentions there wasn't actually any chocolate consumed yesterday. Something to improve on today I guess.

Injury update. I think today may be the first day that I have felt some improvement that wasn't drug related. Upon advice from Lee Anne the super physio I have cut out the pain killers except before bed. As a result anything I am feeling right now is a genuine reflection of what I am feeling and I think it is feeling a bit better. It is a pretty amazing coincidence that two days after I stop training and one day after receiving treatment my back has started to improve. It is uncanny...

It has also made me realise how much of the 'feeling good' I was doing earlier in the week was due to our friend Voltaren. I remember that from last time as well, however, I didn't think it would be such a factor this time around since I was on smaller doses. Got that one wrong.

Anyway, so I think the back has improved a bit. Not in a major way, but I will take what I can get at the moment. The main improvement seems to be that the pain has moved away from the glute and has centred a bit more on my back. 'That doesn't sound like an improvement' I can hear you think. But what I am hoping it means is that what I am feeling is no longer referred pain, but rather pain related directly to my back. No referred pain hopefully means nerves are no longer playing a part and that is a good thing. Anyway that is what I am hoping it all means.

My back is still sore when walking etc but I am no longer limping around like I was yesterday. Yesterday I was in a fair bit of pain, but I a pretty sure that is at least partly because of Lee Anne the mean physio. To be fair she did warn me I would be sore and she was right, she didn't hold back. I had so many acupuncture needles sticking out of my rear end yesterday that I could have curled into a ball and defended myself from predators. However, combined with rest, it seems to have done the trick and my glute is no longer feeling sore. Hopefully that sticks around.

I am back in the physio again tomorrow, so the relief from pain may only be temporary. Hopefully it will be a good pain though.

Away from injury talk I have been thinking about what to do with the blog while I am injured. I think for the next little while I will use it to focus on some of the things I look at when I have selected specific items of gear in the past. Some of it might be repetition of what is written under the 'Stuff I Use' tab, but I will try and not repeat to much and also provide a bit more detail.

So with that in mind I will start with the big one. Tomorrow will be what I look for in a Tri bike.

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